C Mugs is 5!

Mix Master C turned five big years old! This year we rented out the Eggan Youth Center for a couple of hours so all the friends could play games like foosball, air hockey, and pool. Unfortunately they didn't have ping-pong set up, and the pinball wasn't working. But there was plenty of room to run around.



In previous years our tradition has been to get a blue cookie monster cupcake cake. But this year I had a different idea!

My pal Kris Wallace makes mini donuts and sells them at the farmer's market here in 'Scow. Colin loves to watch the batter come out of the hopper and in to the oil, he alerts her when a donut needs flipping as it floats down the line. Ssssoooooo, as a surprise we hired Kris and her donuts for Colin's party! For a special birthday treat he got to stand on the maker side of the machine and watch them float down the hot oil canal.


Instead of five candles, I cheated and put a single candle in five donuts!


Kris made bowls and bowls of sugared and cinnamoned donuts for kids and grown ups alike. I heard cousin Jake say he ate about 25! We balanced it out with fruit kabobs and apple cider. Oh, and ice cream too! At the end, we sent everyone home (or at least out the door) with a dozen donuts to go.

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This page contains a single entry by Anne published on November 17, 2009 7:41 AM.

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