August 2009 Archives

Colin enjoys riding his "rock-it" bike in the dirt during a Bluey poop walk a few houses down the hill from ours. He finds it halarious that I complain about getting all dusty as he zooms by me!

We looked forward to our summer vacation at the Oregon coast for a long time. On the first day we drove to Lake Oswego and poked around our old neighborhood on Upper Drive. Finding the hotel with our GPS was a mini-adventure because we didn't have the address quite right.
The next day we drove straight to Cannon Beach and took a stroll near Haystack Rock:

We had a little time to kill here since we weren't supposed to check in to our beach house until 4pm. After more GPS fun, we eventually found Mo's for lunch.
The beach house was just great. So close to the surf!

There was much digging...

And kite flying...

And on the way home, we stopped for a bit at Multnomah Falls:

Anne scored this sweet trail bike at a garage sale. C loves it, but Mom misses the storage of the Burley. Colin's favorite part is shifting the gears and watching the chain move between sprockets.
We all went for a nice Sunday ride to have lunch at Sangria.

Blue lays by the front door most days, waiting for Anne to come home.

(Daddy really likes his new camera lens)
While Mom, Grandma, and Aunts went garage-sale-ing in Spokane, Duane and Colin went to the Carousel at Riverfront Park. There was quite a lot going on. We didn't even use all the tokens Daddy bought. Had to check out all the games outside and then have lunch at Red Robin.

This is Colin's second year playing little tykes T-ball. Many of us parents, myself included, find the kids short attention spans frustrating. One minute C will complain that he never gets the ball, the next he's pulling up grass and sticking it in his hat. We did have quite a few good moments this year. Cheers to Gropp Electric for sponsoring this leage for the young'ns in our area!
Here's a hit from the 2nd-to-last game:

And here's a nervous moment during the first practice: